In the world of bodybuilding, tension has been rising between Bob Cicherillo and Mamdouh Elssbiay, better known as Big Ramy, two prominent figures in the community. Bob Cicherillo, who is the Athlete’s Rep for the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) and hosts a YouTube channel called “Voice of Bodybuilding,” recently released a video in which he claimed that his channel was purely opinion-based and not affiliated with the IFBB or its judges. However, Big Ramy was not convinced, and he publicly stated his belief that Bob was not being truthful.
Bob Cicherillo has a long history in the bodybuilding world as a former amateur and professional competitor, as well as an MC for pro and amateur shows. Bob Cicherillo’s close relationships with judges and promoters within the IFBB make it highly unlikely that his opinions are not influenced by the organization.
Bob’s language in his recent video suggested he was speaking on behalf of the IFBB, rather than just sharing his personal opinions. Bob was referencing a former video where he hinted at a suggestion that Big Ramy should retire from the sport. I feel that Bob Cicherillo is not being transparent about the origin or influence of his statements and ties to the organization, despite being a representative for the athletes within the sport of bodybuilding.
Big Ramy, two-time Mr. Olympia winner, responded to Cicherillo’s video by expressing confusion and frustration. He commented that “someone” had suggested he retire from bodybuilding, which he found insulting and unwarranted. I sided with Big Ramy, believing that he still has plenty of potential in the sport. You can imagine how impactful a comment like that is to a competitor, especially coming from the Olympia’s MC.
Overall, the conflict between Bob and Big Ramy highlights the sometimes murky relationships between athletes, judges, and organizations within the bodybuilding community. Was Bob’s statement out of line? Do you think the IFBB had any influence on Bob’s comment?