Larry Wheels, the well-known arm wrestler & powerlifter, is making headlines once again. This time, he has set his sights on becoming a bodybuilder. Larry has already started his bodybuilding prep, and it seems he wants to drag Bradley Martyn, the owner of the gym where he trains, along with him.
In this video we see Larry reveal that he is planning to compete in the classic physique category. However, many experts in the bodybuilding community believe that Larry is making a mistake by choosing this class instead of bodybuilding.
The show’s co-host, Ryan Benson, is helping Larry with his prep. During the interview, they discussed the drugs Larry would be using, including Trenbolone, Anavar, Clenbuterol, and Growth Hormone. Ryan is confident that Larry will be able to lose the necessary 35 pounds for the show using diuretics.
However, I am concerned that Larry is not taking the necessary steps to prepare his body for the show. He needs to work on his symmetry, balance, and proportion. Larry’s biceps are a particular concern, as he tore them in the past, and they don’t look good. Many believe that Larry would be better off competing in bodybuilding. This would allow him to come in as big and muscular as he wants to be, without worrying about the weight and height restrictions of the classic physique division. However, Larry seems set on competing in classic physique and has already started his prep.
Overall, Larry’s decision to compete in classic physique has raised eyebrows in the bodybuilding community. There is much concern that Larry’s physique is not suited for this class, and that he is not taking the necessary steps to prepare his body. Only time will tell if Larry’s decision will pay off or if he would have been better off competing in bodybuilding.
What do you think? Should Larry move to the Open division or stay in the Classic Physique division?