Hunter Labrada, IFBB professional bodybuilder & Olympian, recently did an interview where he addressed comments made by me. I had previously discussed Labrada’s relationship with his coach, Ben Chow, and questioned why he didn’t choose to work with any other notable Olympia caliber trainers, such as Chad Nicholls, Milos Sarcev, or George Farah. In response, Hunter stated that he had access to all of those trainers but chose to work with Chow for personal reasons. This made absolutely no sense to me.
Hunter Labrada’s ex-coach, Bryan Troianello, and the controversy surrounding their split, has sparked some back and forth on social media between myself and Hunter Labrada. Hunter accused me of not telling the truth and lying about the situation. So I fired back, saying that I would be bringing Troy onto my show to tell his side of the story.
During the interview, Hunter also criticized the interviewer, John from Serious and Silliness Bodybuilding, for not doing enough research on his guests. He suggested that John was not a credible source for bodybuilding news and recommended other channels such as Nick Strength and Power or Desktop Bodybuilding.
Hunter Labrada’s ex-coach, Brian Troy, is set to appear on my show to give his perspective on the controversy. Hunter requested to be included in that video but I need to be able to give Troy a chance to provide his perspective without adding more friction to the situation. Hunter has made his statements, now it’s Troy’s turn to give his side of the story uninterrupted.
Stay tuned for a lot more details and insight into what truly happened between Hunter Labrada and Brian Troianello. There we will find out the true reason why Hunter is working with Ben Chow as opposed to working with any top Olympia coach that he claims he has “access to”.
The feud between Hunter and I may continue, but one thing is certain: both of us are passionate about bodybuilding and this topic of discussion is far from over.